Use this suggestion form to do any of the following:
- Change the URL of your listing.
- Change the title of your listing.
- Edit the description of your listing.
- Suggest a different categories for your listing.
Note: Our staff must have a compelling reason to make changes to your listing. We will not change information that is already accurate.
Common misperceptions about this form and The 440magnum Network Mopar Directory.
- The 440magnum Network Mopar directory is not a search engine, it is a directory of Mopar related sites categorized by human web-surfers. We do not look at keywords or meta tags. We do not crawl sites, scan or spider sites.
- This form cannot be used as a means of improving your search ranking in our directory. If your intent in using this change form is to improve your search ranking or “searchability” please do not use this form.
Please answer the following questions to suggest an update to be reviewed by the 440magnum Mopar Enthusiast Network directory staff:
Fields with a are required for your suggestion to be submitted.